Italo-croata e bilingue dalla nascita, l'artista respira da sempre un'aria cosmopolita.
In questi anni di esperienza nel lavoro artistico e creativo ha allestito alcune esposizioni sul territorio e ottenuto alcuni riconoscimenti in campo letterario. Si forma inoltre in "grafologia psicologica", traendo anche conoscenze utili al mondo grafico e pittorico.
Italian-Croatian and bilingual from birth, the artist has always breathed a cosmopolitan air. In these years of experience in artistic and creative work he has set up some exhibitions in the area and obtained some awards in the literary field. It is also formed in "psychological graphology", also drawing useful knowledge from the graphic and pictorial world. He favors the spatula as a pictorial tool to flow more quickly and freely onto the canvas, using various paints and also china and charcoal.