Punto Stampa


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Tipografia artigianale dal 1987. Esperti nel piccolo e nel grande formato, forniture aziendali per stands, cartellonistica, targhe, packaging realizzati su misura, da quello per cerimonia al gadget aziendale con taglio a laser. L'antica tradizione artigianale viene salvaguardata nella realizzazione a mano di prodotti cartacei: anche in piccole tirature, in varie soluzioni, dalla laminatura a caldo sino al confezionamento.

Punto Stampa: Artisan typography since 1987. Experts in small and large format, company supplies for stands, signage, plates, custom-made packaging, from that for ceremony to the laser-cut business gadget. The ancient tradition of craftsmanship is safeguarded in the handmade production of paper products: even in small runs, in various solutions, from hot rolling to packaging.

or go to puntostampats.com


All the content of this site is protected by international copyright law.
The reproduction and use of drawings, pictures, text and photos in any form is STRICTLY PROHIBITED without the prior written consent of the author.
All photos in this site by Antonella Rimbaldo.
For info about the project:
Diecisettanta ® © Trieste (TS), Italy 34100
Phone: +39 338.339.1070
Email: info@diecisettanta.com
Web: www.diecisettanta.com